
Monash, Australia

27--30 November 2016

CTAC2016 was the 18th biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, and took place at Monash University from 27-30 November, 2016. The ANZIAM Special Interest Group in Computational Techniques and Applications is responsible for the CTAC meetings, the first of which was held in 1981. Mike Osborne recorded some of the early history of CTAC in this online article [ANZIAM J(E), 42 (2000)]

This Special Section of the ANZIAM Journal (Electronic Supplement) contains the refereed conference papers.

Eight invited speakers participated in the conference:

Alys Clark from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, presented a public lecture entitled Virtual Placentas to Help Make Pregnancy Healthier.

The conference attracted a further 57 contributed talks. All articles appearing in the CTAC2016 proceedings have been peer reviewed by at least two referees, and in most cases undergone revision prior to acceptance.

The editors, Jerome Droniou, Michael Page, and Simon Clarke, thank all of the referees whose efforts contribute greatly to the quality of the conference proceedings.

CTAC2016 Organising Committee

CTAC2016 Scientific Committee


We gratefully acknowledge support from the following organisations: