% execute LaTeX on this template to create a bibexport.bib file % and see the style. Then delete this "filecontents" environment. \begin{filecontents}{eg.bib} @book{Knuth99, author = {D.~E. Knuth}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes Number 78}, title = {Digital Typography}, year = {1999}, } @article{MacKenzie00a, author = {T. Mackenzie and A.~J. Roberts}, journal = {ANZIAM~J.}, number = {E}, pages = {C918--C935}, title = {Holistic finite differences accurately model the dynamics of the {Kuramoto--Sivashinsky} equation}, volume = {42}, year = {2000}, url = {http://journal.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/ view/628}, } @article{Carini2015, author = {Carini, M. and Auteri, F. and Giannetti, F.}, journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, pages = {109--145}, title = {Centre-manifold reduction of bifurcating flows}, volume = {767}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1017/jfm.2015.3}, } @inproceedings{Smith97a, author = {L.~A. Smith}, booktitle = {Past and present variability in the Solar-terrestrial system: measurement, data analysis and theoretical models}, editor = {G. Cini Castagnoli and A. Provenzale}, institution = {Italian Physical Society}, pages = {177--246}, publisher = {IOS Press}, series = {Proceedings of the International School of Physics ``Enrico Fermi''}, title = {The maintenance of uncertainty}, volume = {CXXXIII}, year = {1997}, } \end{filecontents} % Use the standard \LaTeXe\ article style in 12pt Computer Modern font % on A4 paper by \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} % Do \emph{not} change the width nor the height of the text from the % defaults set by this document class. % % The alternative which is closer to what we actually use is % \documentclass[11pt,a5paper]{article} % \usepackage[a5paper]{geometry} % Because it is a great size for on screen reading % and prints nicely on a4paper either 2up or booklet. % The preamble is to contain your own \LaTeX\ commands and to say % what packages to use. Avoid epsfig or earlier such packages. % Avoid loading unused packages (as done by some \LaTeX\ editors). % Please use the biblatex package instead of bibtex, via \usepackage[biblatex]{anziamjedraft} \bibliography{eg} % However, this alternative lets you use bibtex if necessary. % \usepackage{anziamjedraft} % You must put title and authors into preamble, % then create title and authors using \verb|\maketitle| in document. \title{Combined instructions and template for articles submitted to the ANZIAM Journal} \author{A.~J. Roberts} \address{School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia~5005, \textsc{Australia}.} \mailto{anthony.roberts@adelaide.edu.au} % Get and use an ORCID from https://orcid.org/register \myorcid{0000-0001-8930-1552} \author{A.~N. Onymous} \address{Erehwon University} \http{www.erhwon.edu} \author{A.~B. Gamma} \address{School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia~5005, \textsc{Australia}.} \date{5 October 2008, revised 5 August 2020} \begin{document} % Use default \verb|\maketitle|. \maketitle % Use the \verb|abstract| environment. \begin{abstract} The abstract is \emph{not} a table of contents. Say what is delivered, the essential qualities of the paper. Use less than 50~words for each of the following questions: What was done? Why do it? What were the results? What do the results mean in theory and/or practise? What is the reader's benefit? How can the readers use your results for themselves? The abstract is probably all most readers read, it must be a complete description in itself, albeit necessarily sketchy. \end{abstract} % By default we include a table of contents in each paper. \tableofcontents % Use \verb|\section|, \verb|\subsection|, \verb|\subsubsection| and % possibly \verb|\paragraph| to structure your document. Make sure % you \verb|\label| them for cross-referencing with \verb|\ref|. \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} The Introduction has to show that your story is worth telling in detail. The Introduction is likely to be all an interested reader reads, again it must be complete in itself. Place your work in the context of other research. Summarise your main results, albeit in a suitably simplified form. Face it: only the dedicated are going to want to wade through the details of the rest of the paper. Give the key points in your Introduction. \section{Write well} \label{sec:ww} Be definite. Be descriptive. Be precise. Cross reference. Use short sentences. Keep close together nouns and their verbs: that is, write ``the cat sat on the mat'' not ``the cat on the mat sat''. Structure your writing using the \emph{rule of three}. Each paragraph is to make a point: overview the paragraph in the first sentence; develop the point in the body; and summarise the paragraph in the last sentence. Each section develops a theme: overview a section in its first paragraph; develop the theme in the body; and summarise in its last paragraph. Likewise, overview the paper in its first section and summarise in the last. \section{\TeX{}nical aspects} \label{sec:tex} Download the style file for drafts \verb|anziamjedraft.sty|. Use this \LaTeX\ source file as a template for your article: use the standard article style, without changing any page sizing; use \verb|\title|, \verb|\author|, \verb|\address| and \verb|\maketitle| commands; put the abstract into an \verb|abstract| environment; and use the standard \LaTeX\ sectioning commands. \begin{enumerate} \item When you have a list of points to make, then use a list environment. \item Do not use \verb|\setcounter...| nor \verb|\renewcommand{\theequation}| as we use the default provided by \LaTeX. \item Ensure theorems, proofs, etc use the corresponding \emph{environment} appropriately labelled for cross referencing. Do not use your own abbreviated names. For example, use \begin{verbatim} \begin{theorem} \label{thm:athm} ... \end{theorem} \begin{proof} ... \end{proof} \end{verbatim} \item Ensure hypertext links will be inserted by using \verb|Section~\ref{sec:2}| instead of \verb*|Section 2|\,, after inserting corresponding labels such as \verb|\label{sec:2}|. Similarly for Table, Figure, Theorem, etc. Note: capitalise the first letter when referring to a particular section, figure, table, etc. \item Put in non-breaking spaces (except in the middle of lists), in particular, before most cross references: \verb|~\cite|\,; \verb|~\eqref|\,; and \verb|~\ref|. \item Ensure tables and figures are in their floating environment (never use the option~\verb|h|). Captions must be placed above tables, but below figures. \begin{verbatim} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics{trig} \caption{this is a very simple figure environment for you to copy.} \label{fig:simp} \end{figure} \end{verbatim} \item Use the \verb|\includegraphics| command from the \verb|graphicx| package to include postscript figures, \emph{not} any other package. \item \emph{Never} use any of \verb|\eqno|, \verb|\noindent|, \verb|\vspace|, \verb|\hspace|, \verb|\bigskip|, etc. Instead, use the appropriate environments and mark-up commands of \LaTeX. For example, some may need to use the \verb|tabular| environment to layout parts of a figure. Remember, \emph{never} use any of these absolute spacing commands. \item Use \verb|\quad| to space apart equations on the one line (do not use multiple occurrences of other spacing commands), and generally use a thin space, \verb|\,|, to separate punctuation from a mathematical expression. \item In general use \verb|\left(...\right)| to get reasonably sized parentheses around mathematical expressions, and similarly for other delimiters. \item Spell check with British spelling, not American. \item Acronyms and abbreviations, such as \textsc{tla}, generally are typeset in small capitals, as in \verb|\textsc{tla}|\,. \item \verb|--| to be used for ranges of pages (as in your references) or equations, etc; whereas \verb|---| is to be used in sentences (without surrounding spaces). \item If you want sub-equation lettering, use the \verb|subequations| environment as provided in the \verb|amsmath| package. \item To get the 66 quote marks you need to type two back single quotes; to get the 99 quote marks type two single forward quotes. Do not use the \verb|"| character. \item Appendices are introduced by one \verb|\appendix| command: thereafter all \verb|\section|s, etc will be numbered automatically as an appendix. \item Cite actively: \begin{itemize} \item \verb|\cite{...}| generates a bracketed pointer as in ``Many use the theory~\cite{Carini2015}.'' Never utilise such a citation pointer as a noun: the ``[1]'' must \emph{not} be part of the meaning of the sentence. \item \verb|\citet{...}| includes the name(s) of the authors for you as in ``\citet{Knuth99} wrote a fascinating treatise.'' \item \verb|\cite[info]{...}| include extra information about the citation with brackets as in ``is well established~\cite[e.g.]{Smith97a}'' \item \verb|\citet[info]{...}| analogously as in ``\citet[p.22]{MacKenzie00a} showed the importance'' \end{itemize} \item Please use the modern BibLaTeX package for citations and the bibliography. Enter the interconnected 21st century---\emph{include hypertext links wherever possible in your bibliography}: in your bib file use a field ``\verb|doi={...}|'' (preferred), or a field ``\verb|url={http://...}|'' (not both). If using the outdated method of BibTeX to generate the references, then use the \verb|plain| bibliographic style. \end{enumerate} \paragraph{Acknowledgements} If there are any, introduce a paragraph of acknowledgements with \verb|\paragraph{Acknowledgements}|\,. % Print the bibliography: % 1st alternative is old way; the 2nd is biblatex (preferred). \ifx\printbibliography\undefined \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{eg} \else\printbibliography\fi \end{document}