EMAC 2009

Adelaide, Australia

6--9 December 2009

This Special Section of the ANZIAM Journal (Electronic Supplement) contains the refereed papers from the 9th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference (EMAC2009) held at the University of Adelaide in December 2009. The EMAC series of conferences is held under the auspices of the Engineering Mathematics Group (EMG) (a special interest group of the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) division of the Australian Mathematics Society. The meeting provides a forum for researchers interested in the development and use of mathematical methods in engineering and applied mathematics. A further theme of the conference is the mathematical education of applied mathematicians and engineers.

The EMAC meetings take place biennially since 1994. EMAC 2003 marked a change to holding the meeting in odd numbered years. Participants came from Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Africa, UK and the USA, as well as Australia and New Zealand. We are very pleased to see such international support for EMAC.

Seven keynote papers were presented at the conference:

In addition to the invited presentations, 97 contributed papers were presented at the conference. All of the articles included in the EMAC 2009 Proceedings have been peer reviewed by at least two referees, and revised (when required) to satisfy the referees comments.

The editors thank all of the referees who gave generously of time and effort.

Banquet Speech in Honour of Charles E.~M. Pearce's 70th Birthday

EMAC 2009 Organising Committee


We gratefully acknowledge support from the following organisations:

We are also grateful to: Engineers without Borders for the display in the foyer; Richard Knowling for publicising the conference; Adam Paul for his poster design; and Geoffrey Williams for the website.