EMAC 2007

Hobart, Australia

July 2007

This Special Section of the ANZIAM Journal (Electronic Supplement) contains the refereed papers from the 8th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference (EMAC 2007) held at the University of Tasmania in July 2007. The EMAC series of conferences is held under the auspices of the Engineering Mathematics Group (EMG) (a special interest group of the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) division of the Australian Mathematics Society) and Engineers Australia. The meeting provides a forum for researchers interested in the development and use of mathematical methods in engineering and applied mathematics. A further theme of the conference is the mathematical education of applied mathematicians and engineers.

The EMAC meetings take place biennially since 1994. EMAC 2003 marked a change to holding the meeting in odd numbered years.

Five keynote papers were presented at the conference:

High productivity standards based computing for weather forecasting and climate modeling
Dr. Ilene Carpenter, Silicon Graphics, USA
Multi-scale electro-mechanics of the heart
Dr. Martyn Nash, Bioengineering Institute, Engineering Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Sea level rise: What are we in for?
Prof. John Hunter, Antartic Climate and Ecosystem Cooperative Research Centre, University of Tasmania, Australia
Exponentially small disturbances as a route to turbulence in unsteady fluid flows
Dr. Stephen Cowley, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK
Engineering students: what do they think of mathematics and how do they think it will be used in their future?
Dr. Leigh Wood, Director, Learning and Teaching Studies Division of Economic and Financial Studies Macquarie University, Australia

In addition to the invited presentations, 66 contributed papers were presented at the conference. All of the articles included in the EMAC 2007 Proceedings have been peer reviewed by at least two referees, and revised (when required) to satisfy the referees comments.

The editors thank all of the referees who gave generously of time and effort.

EMAC 2007 Organising Committee


We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following organisations.
Conference sponsors