@article{Elliott98a, author = {David Elliott}, title = {The Euler-Maclaurin formula revisited}, journal = {J.~Austral.\ Math.\ Soc.~B}, volume = 40, pages = {E27--E76}, year = 1998, number = {E}, month = nov, note = {[Online] \protect\url{http://jamsb.austms.org.au/V40/E005} [2 Nov 1998]}, abstract = {The Euler-Maclaurin summation formula for the approximate evaluation of $ I=\int_0^1f\left( x\right) dx$ comprises a sum of the form $\left( 1/m\right) \sum_{j=0}^{m-1}f\left( \left( j+t_\nu \right) /m\right) $, where $01$, (other authors call it a periodizing transformation) it is possible to express $I$ as a sum of $m$ terms involving the new integrand with the second sum being zero. We show that for all functions in a certain weighted Sobolev space, the truncation error is of order $O\left( 1/m^{n_1}\right) $, for some integer $n_1$ which depends on $r$. In principle we may choose $n_1$ to be arbitrarily large thereby giving a good rate of convergence to zero of the truncation error. \par This analysis is then extended to Cauchy principal value and certain Hadamard finite-part integrals over $\left( 0,1\right)$. In each case, the truncation error is $O\left( 1/m^{n_1}\right)$. This result should prove particularly useful in the context of the approximate solution of integral equations although such discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.}, }