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Michalski, A. M., John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Michaud-Jacobs, P., University of Warwick
Michaud-Rodgers, P., University of Warwick
Micheli, G., University of Zurich
Mihalache, N., University of Paris-Est Créteil
Milan, D., University of Texas at Tyler
Miller, M., University of Newcastle
Miller, M., The University of Newcastle, Australia
Miller, M., The University of Newcastle (Australia)
Miller, S. J., Williams College
Mills, Terry
Milovanovic, E., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Serbia
Milovanovic, I., Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Serbia
Minh, N. C.
Miraglio, P.
Mishra, M. M., Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, Delhi-1100 07 India
Mitchell, J. D.
Mititelu, Gabriel
Miyazaki, T., College of Science and Technology Nihon University
Mkaouar, M., Sfax university, Faculty of Sciences.
Moameni, Abbas
Modic, Jolanda, FMF, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia XLAB, d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Moghadasi, S. Reza
Moghaddam, A., The University of Queensland
Moghaddam, M. R. R., Khayyam University

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