ANZIAM J. 46(E) pp.C956--C970, 2005.

Visualising energy data

Diane Donovan

Trevor Pickett

Richard Wilson

(Received 12 November 2004, revised 7 July 2005)


The Australian energy market is in the final stages of deregulation. These changes have created a dynamic environment which is highly volatile and competitive with respect to both demand and price. Our current research seeks to visualise aspects of the National Energy Market with a view to developing techniques which may be useful in identifying significant characteristics and/or drivers of these characteristics. In order to capture the complexity of the problem we explore a suite of different visualisation techniques, which, when combined into a unified package, highlight aspects of the problem. The particular problem visualised here is ``Does the data exhibit characteristics which suggest that the time of day, day of the week, or the season, affect the variation in demand and/or price?''

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Diane Donovan
Trevor Pickett
Richard Wilson
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Published September 22, 2005. ISSN 1446-8735


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