Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
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Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference
This section is only for articles presented at the CTAC series of conferences which are generally held in even years. The conference organisers will inform delegates of the details.
For CTAC-2024, organising editors are Ricardo Ruiz Baier <>; Quoc Le Gia <> and Bishnu Lamichhane and copyediting and layout editing by Dr Judith Bunder.
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group
This section is only for articles resulting from the MISG Workshops including the Mathematics in Industry New Zealand (MINZ). The workshop organisers will inform the problem moderators of the details.
Copyright Notice
The author(s) must be the sole owner of the material, or a co-owner acting in accord with all other owners, and have full power to make this agreement. The authors assert their moral rights as authors.
License to Publish (LTP)
Papers can be published with Green Open Access or Gold Open Access. If the research was funded by a Coalition S funder and subject to Plan S, then we recommend the Gold Open Access option which is compliant with Plan S. If there is no connection to Plan S, then these issues do not arise and either Green or Gold Open Access can be chosen.
The standard arrangement is Green Open Access in accordance with the policy of Cambridge University Press. Authors must assign an exclusive licence to publish to AMPAI which is the publishing arm of the Australian Mathematical Society. In brief, green open access has no publication charges and allows some sharing of the paper as follows:
- a preprint or the submitted manuscript may be made available by the author at any time;
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Alternatively, there is an arrangement for Gold Open Access. Gold Open Access may be arranged by payment of an initial one-off fee of $USD2000 or under a Read and Publish Agreement between the author’s institution and CUP (which covers the fee or provides for a discount). Immediate open access will be provided through Cambridge Core under the terms of a creative commons license chosen by the author. Creative Commons Licences expressly do not permit any commercial reuse without permission from the Publisher. Payment of the article processing fee is arranged through CUP prior to publication. The fee of $USD2000 applies for 2021 and may be indexed. Authors must assign a nonexclusive licence to publish to AMPAI under this arrangement.
Explanatory notes
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