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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Adobe PDF file format.
  • This submission is NOT a revision of an earlier submission. Revisions of earlier submissions must be uploaded via the "Author Upload" or "Upload Author Version" boxes on the "Review" or "Editing" pages for the earlier submission.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Formatting Instructions, which is found in Resources.
  • When submitting, in the Additional Refinements of the Submission Metadata under Subjects, please list 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification codes.

Author Guidelines

To submit articles to the Proceedings of ANZIAM, authors must first be registered with our journal management system as both readers and authors.  Authors should also ensure they have and supply an ORCID.
The journal is typeset from LaTeX. If accepted and when requested authors must send the final LaTeX source. The editor reserves the right to return to authors poorly presented material for appropriate revision, or even to reject a paper on TeXnical grounds.
The manuscript must be typeset in the standard LaTeX article [12pt,a4paper] style and page size, or use the template in Formatting Instructions in Resources. Standard sectioning, numbering, spacing and equation commands must be used throughout. Avoid defining macro commands to replace or modify standard LaTeX or its packages. We abhor any use of forced spacing commands in the text. Authors must use the label and ref commands to reference equations, sections, figures, etc. Sound LaTeX advice is given online here
The title should be a short and clear statement on what is achieved by the article. If the title is long, supply also a shortened version of the title not exceeding 40 characters for a running header.
An abstract not exceeding about 300 words must be included in the manuscript. Many browsers will only see the title and the abstract so these must be crafted with care. The abstract must be composed of a few succinct and plain sentences addressing:
  • what you have done;
  • why it is important;
  • how others will use your results.
The web site uses MathJax so use \ ( ...\ ) and \ [ ...\ ] for mathematics in the abstract, not dollars.
Video Abstract
For the online journal, we are happy to attach a short and small (<10Mbyte) video of you highlighting your article. Address the same points as the abstract. Submit the video as a Supplementary file.
Use the Introduction to summarise your research in more detail and to place it in the context of international work. Use as little technical language as possible. Elaborate on:
  • what exactly is your research and its results?
  • why was it done?
  • what is needed to understand it?
  • how is it presented?
Typeset using the bibitem and cite commands. As in the plain LaTeX bibliography style (although the electronic part encourages Harvard style), references are normally cited using the Vancouver style: that is, in the text by giving the appropriate number in square brackets. The citation (the number in the brackets) must not form part of the meaning of the sentence: that is, avoid incongruities such as "in [2]", "by [3]" or "see [5]".

The bibliography normally should be in alphabetical order by name of the first author, preceded by a reference number in square brackets. Also, to help connect the web of science and ensure maximum visibility for your work, for each article in your references please provide where possible:

  • the DOI of the article (preferred);
  • a URL to the title/abstract page of the article (as provided by many publishers);
  • the Maths Review MR number;
  • the Zentralblatt reference number.
An index to terms occurring in the paper may be included, but only if constructed via the LaTeX index command.
Figures must be typeset within a figure environment using either the LaTeX picture environment, pdf, jpeg or postscript. Note that each page of the electronic journal is A5 size, so each figure must not be complicated. Please use colour appropriately in your figures. Generate the figures at about the size they are to be reproduced. Do not override default font size. For example, in Matlab:
  • simplest is to invoke subplot('position',[.2 .2 .55 .55])
  • or for graphics to appear side by side then subplot(3,3,1)
  • or more logical instead is to set(gcf,'paperposition',[1 1 6 4]) if you use inches
  • or if you use centimetres, use set(gcf,'paperposition',[2 2 14 10]])
You may like to include interactive 3D plots; see possible Formatting Instructions in Resources. Put the caption below the figure.
Put the caption above the table. Use the table environment. Avoid using vertical lines. Usually use only three horizontal lines: one either side of the headings for each column; and one at the bottom of the table. Higham [Handbook of writing for the mathematical sciences, 2nd edition, p.91] says "Only essential information should be included in a table. Omit data whose presence cannot be justified and state only as many digits as are needed (this number is often surprisingly small)." For example, when reporting errors, report at most two significant digits (any more that two digits in errors will be brutally truncated by our layout editor).
Use the SI system of units. Typeset abbreviated units in roman font and separated from the number by a thin space; for example, $g=9.8\,\text{m/s}^2$. Separate fully named units from the number by a non-breaking space; for example, one year is $12$~months.
Appropriate hypertext links and references may be included using the standard hyperref package.
Special effects
Colour images, movies, sounds and executable demonstrations may be published with the manuscript at the discretion of the editors.
Write well
I suggest you learn from these authors: Similar to CUP, we "recommend that authors have their manuscripts checked by an English language native speaker before submission; this will ensure that submissions are judged at peer review exclusively on academic merit. [CUP list here] a number of third-party services specialising in language editing and/or translation, and suggest that authors contact them as appropriate".

Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference

This section is only for articles presented at the CTAC series of conferences which are generally held in even years. The conference organisers will inform delegates of the details.

For CTAC-2024, organising editors are Ricardo Ruiz Baier <>; Quoc Le Gia <> and Bishnu Lamichhane copyediting and layout editing by Dr Judith Bunder.

Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group

This section is only for articles resulting from the MISG Workshops including the Mathematics in Industry New Zealand (MINZ). The workshop organisers will inform the problem moderators of the details.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.