Proceedings of the 7th Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference


  • Andrew Stacey
  • Bill Blyth
  • John Shepherd
  • A. J. Roberts



EMAC 2005
Melbourne, Australia
September 2005
This Special Part of the ANZIAM Journal (Electronic Supplement) contains the refereed papers from the 7th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference (EMAC 2005) held at RMIT University in September 2005. The EMAC series of conferences is held under the auspices of the Engineering Mathematics Group (EMG) (a special interest group of the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) division of the Australian Mathematics Society) and Engineers Australia. The meeting provides a forum for researchers interested in the development and use of mathematical methods in engineering and applied mathematics. A further theme of the conference is the mathematical education of applied mathematicians and engineers. The EMAC meetings have taken place biennially since 1994, the most recent being held in 2003. EMAC 2003 was the 6th meeting in the series and marked a change to holding the meeting in odd numbered years. Four keynote papers were presented at the conference; the titles and presenters were:
Convex Optimization and Applications
Prof. Stephen Boyd, Stanford University, USA
A Unified Approach to Optimisation on Manifolds
Prof. Jonathan Manton, Australian National University, Australia
Spontaneous Ignition---Assessment of Cause: A Success for Mathematics-in-Industry
Prof. Graeme Wake, Centre for Mathematics in Industry, Massey University at Albany, New Zealand
Data-based mechanistic modelling: an inductive approach to environmental systems analysis
Prof. Peter Young, Lancaster University, UK
In addition to the invited presentations, 100 contributed papers were presented at the conference. All of the papers submitted for consideration for inclusion in the EMAC 2005 Proceedings have been peer reviewed by at least two referees, and revised (if required) to satisfy the referees comments. A pre-conference one-day Workshop on Optimization, Control and System Identification (co-chaired by Robin Hill and Liuping Wang) was held at the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute Headquarters. The editors thank all of the referees who gave generously of time and effort. EMAC 2005 Organising Committee
  • Bill Blyth (Chair, RMIT University)
  • Liuping Wang (Co-Chair, RMIT University)
  • John Shepherd (Secretary, RMIT University)
  • Andrew Stacey (Chair, Technical Committee, RMIT University)
  • Robin Hill (RMIT University)
  • Leigh Wood (University of Technology Sydney)
Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the following organisations. Conference sponsors
  • RMIT University
  • Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM)
  • D.A. Books in association with Springer Verlag
Pre-conference Workshop sponsor Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI)





Proceedings Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference