Derandomised lattice rules for high dimensional integration


  • Y. Kazashi
  • F. Y. Kuo
  • I. H. Sloan



lattice rules, quasi–Monte Carlo methods


We seek shifted lattice rules that are good for high dimensional integration over the unit cube in the setting of an unanchored weighted Sobolev space of functions with square-integrable mixed first derivatives. Many existing studies rely on random shifting of the lattice, whereas here we work with lattice rules with a deterministic shift. Specifically, we consider 'half-shifted' rules in which each component of the shift is an odd multiple of \(1/(2N)\) where \(N\) is the number of points in the lattice. By applying the principle that there is always at least one choice as good as the average, we show that for a given generating vector there exists a half-shifted rule whose squared worst-case error differs from the shift-averaged squared worst-case error by a term of only order \({1/N^2}\). We carry out numerical experiments where the generating vector is chosen component-by-component (CBC), as for randomly shifted lattices, and where the shift is chosen by a new `CBC for shift' algorithm. The numerical results are encouraging. References





Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference