Investigation of determinism-related issues in the Sobol′ low-discrepancy sequence for producing sound global sensitivity analysis indices




Quasi Monte Carlo, Sensitivity Analysis, Sobol' Low-Discrepancy Sequence


A computationally efficient and robust sampling scheme can support a sensitivity analysis of models to discover their behaviour through Quasi Monte Carlo approximation. This is especially useful for complex models, as often occur in environmental domains when model runtime can be prohibitive. The Sobol' sequence is one of the most used quasi-random low-discrepancy sequences as it can explore the parameter space significantly more evenly than pseudo-random sequences. The built-in determinism of the Sobol' sequence assists in achieving this attractive property. However, the Sobol' sequence tends to deteriorate in the sense that the estimated errors are distributed inconsistently across model parameters as the dimensions of a model increase. By testing multiple Sobol' sequence implementations, it is clear that the deterministic nature of the Sobol' sequence occasionally introduces relatively large errors in sensitivity indices produced by well-known global sensitivity analysis methods, and that the errors do not diminish by averaging through multiple replications. Problematic sensitivity indices may mistakenly guide modellers to make type I and II errors in trying to identify sensitive parameters, and this will potentially impact model reduction attempts based on these sensitivity measurements. This work investigates the cause of the Sobol' sequence's determinism-related issues.


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2021-12-06 — Updated on 2021-12-07



Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference