Simulation of micro-scale porous flow using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics


  • Patrick Charles Hassard Queensland University of Technology
  • Ian Turner Queensland University of Technology
  • Troy Farrell Queensland University of Technology
  • Daniel Lester Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology



Fluid flow in a porous medium is a well-studied aspect of applied mathematics with significant real-world application. The standard modelling approach for this type of flow is to homogenise the porous structure. A dual-scale model, with the smaller scale at the pore-scale, would possibly capture the fluid mechanical phenomena more faithfully than a volume averaged approach. We investigate the significance of the microstructure shape on the flux through the medium. We also evaluate whether smoothed particle hydrodynamics may be viable in a dual-scale model. We find that varying the shape of the porous structure causes the average flux to vary significantly. This contradicts the assumption commonly made that only the porosity is important. We conclude that there is significant information present in the dual-scale model that is lost by a volume averaged model. We also find that the smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation is computationally intensive, but that there is a time-saving measure that may provide viability to the dual-scale model. References
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Author Biographies

Patrick Charles Hassard, Queensland University of Technology

PhD student, Mathematical Sciences School

Ian Turner, Queensland University of Technology

Head of School, Mathematical Sciences School

Troy Farrell, Queensland University of Technology

Associate Professor, Mathematical Sciences School

Daniel Lester, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Senior Lecturer, School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering





Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference