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Challis, Vivien, QUT
Chamberlain, Matthew, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
Chambers, Lynda E
Champneys, A. R.
Chan, C. K.
Chan, D. Y. C.
Chan, Derek Y. C.
Chan, Eugene, RMIT University
Chan, Leung Lung
Chan, Matthew, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney
Chan, Robert Peng Kong, Department of Mathematics, Faculty if Science, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Chan, W. Y.
Chanda, Emmanuel Knox, University of Adelaide
Chang, Chi, dvanced Research Center for Green Materials Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.
Chapman, Joe
Chapman, S. Jonathan, University of Oxford.
Charkhgard, Hadi, School of mathematical and physical sciences, University of Newcastle, New South Wales 2308, Australia
Charkhgard, Hadi, The University of South Florida (United States)
Charkhgard, Hadi, University of South Florida
Charkhgard, Parisa, University of Newcastle
Chatillon, Sylvain, CEA, LIST
Chen, Bernard
Chen, Cha'o-Kuang, National Sun Yat-sen University, Tainan 7010, Taiwan
Chen, Changming
Chen, Chen, The University of Adelaide
Chen, Chen, The University of Adelaide (Australia)
Chen, Chi-Fang, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chen, Colin X, RMIT University, Melbourne
Chen, Colin Xu-Chao
Chen, Dong
Chen, F.
Chen, J
Chen, Jau-Horng, National Taiwan University
Chen, L.
Chen, Liang, Shaanxi Normal University
Chen, Michael, School of Mathematics and Physics University of Tasmania (current address: Department of Applied Mathematics University of Adelaide)
Chen, Michael
Chen, Michael J., The University of Adelaide
Chen, Ning
Chen, Shaohua

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