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Gershkovich, V.
Ghauch, Ziad Georges, University of California Berkeley
Gibb, Tony, Adelaide Advanced Engineering
Gibb, Tony, Adelaide Advanced Engineering, Adelaide
Gibson, Stephen James
Gidley, Mike J., The University of Queensland
Giebermann, Klaus
Giles, Mike
Gill, Olivia, National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick
Gill, P. M.
Gillam, Natalie L
Gimperlein, Heiko, Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.
Giokaris, P., University of Technology, Sydney
Gladwin, B. A.
Glass, Kathryn, The Australian National University
Goard, Joanna, University of Wollongong
Goard, Joanna, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522.
Goard, Joanna, University of Wollongong
Goldstein, David J.
Goldsworthy, Laurie
Gollan, R. J.
Golley, B.W.
Gonçalves, Douglas Soares, Department of Mathematics - CCFM - Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.
Gong, Yongyi, Guangdong Foreign Language and International Business University
Gonzalez Toro, Carlos Andres
Gonzalez-Farina, Raquel, University of Oxford
Goodger, Ben, Compac Sorting Equipment Ltd., Auckland
Goodman, Jonathan, University of Auckland
Goodwin, Thomas, University of Technology, Sydney
Goozee, Richard J.
Gore, Russell, The University of Notre Dame
Goriely, Alain, University of Oxford.
Goswami, Deepjyoti
Goswami, Veena, School of Computer Applications, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Gottlieb, H. P .W.
Goudey, Rob, Center for Environmental Sciences, Environment Protection Authority
Gourlay, Tim Peter
Grainger, Simon
Grainger, Simon, Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)
Grainger, Simon

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