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Frederiksen, Jorgen S., Climate Adaptation Flagship, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Victoria
Frederiksen, Jorgen S.
Frederiksen, Jorgen Segerlund
Frederiksen, Jorgen Segerlund, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
Frederiksen, Jorgen Segerlund, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
Frederiksen, Jorgen Segerlund
Freislich, Mary Ruth, UNSW Sydney School of Mathematics and Statistics
Fu, Chiao, Department of Mechatronic Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University
Fukasawa, Masaaki , Osaka University
Fukumoto, Yasuhide, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University
Fulford, Glenn
Fullard, Luke
Fullard, Luke, Massey University, Palmerston North
Fullard, Luke, Massey University (Australia)
Fullard, Luke, Massey University (New Zealand)
Fullard, Luke A
Fulton, Neale, CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics
Fuoco, Fernanda


Gaffney, Janice
Gagnon, David A., Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
Galapitage, Ajini Hasara Nethrarathne
Galbraith, Sally
Gale, Timothy John
Gallo-Hernandez, Guillermo Leon
Galloway, David, The University of Sydney
Ganendran, Lucia-Marie Billie
Ganesh, M.
Ganesh, Mahadevan
Ganesh, Mahadevan (United States)
Ganesh, Mahadevan, Colorado School of Mines
Gani, J.
Gao, Bo
Gao, C.
Gao, Rui
Garaniya, Vikrambhai
Garcia-Cervera, C.
Garcke, Jochen
Garcke, Jochen
Gaskell, P. H.
Gates, D. J.

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