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Leontini, J. S.
Leopardi, Paul Charles
Leslie, L. M., University of Technology Sydney
Leslie, Lance, University of Technology Sydney
Lesmono, D.
Lester, Daniel, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Letchford, Nicholas A
Leu, Ming-Guang
Leveneur, Jerome, GNS Science, Gracefield
Levinski, O.
Lewis, Andrew, Griffith University
Lewis, Andrew, Griffith University (Australia)
Li, B.
Li, C. H.
Li, Cong, The University of Melbourne
Li, Fengwei, Shaoxing University
Li, G.
Li, Guoyin
Li, H. C. H.
Li, Haijiao, Hunan University
Li, Jianli
Li, Jueyou, Federation University Australia
Li, Kang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Li, Kang, National Taiwan University
Li, Kuan-Ming, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Li, L., Nanjing Normal University
Li, Li
Li, Lijun, Department of Mathematics, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004
Li, Longhui, University of Technology, Sydney
Li, Lu, Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Li, Miao, Griffith University
Li, Minghao
Li, N.
Li, Rui
Li, Shengkun
Li, Ting, Central South University.
Li, Yinxue, Central South University
Li, Yu
Li, Z. F.
Li, Zhenbo

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