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Sheard, Gregory J.
Sheard, Gregory John
Shen, Jianhua
Shen, Jihong
Shen, S.
Shen, Xiaoyu
Shen, Yi, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Shepherd, J. J.
Shepherd, John
Shepherd, John, RMIT Melbourne
Shepherd, John
Shepherd, John J
Shepherd, John J
Shepherd, John J, RMIT University (Australia)
Shepherd, John J., School of Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University
Shepherd, John J., RMIT University (Australia)
Sheppard, Adrian
Sherief, H. H., Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria.
Sherman, Gregory
Sherman, Gregory Daniel, DSTO Edinburgh
Shevchenko, Pavel, CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics
Shevchenko, Pavel, CSIRO Computational Informatics
Shevchenko, Pavel V, CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics
Shi, Peng
Shi, Y J
Shi, Yafeng, Ningbo University of Technology
Shi, Yingjing
Shi, YingJing
Shichang, Shu
Shichang, Shu
Shiferaw, Mekonnen
Shiroishi, Jungo
Shores, T. S.
Shraida, Shaymaa Mukhlif, Murdoch University
Shunmugaraj, P.
Sibanda, P.
Sidarto, Kuntjoro Adji, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Sidhu, H. S.
Sidhu, H. S.
Sidhu, H.S.

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