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Sukhorukova, Nadezda, Swinburne University of Technology
Sulaiman, Asri, Bureau of Meteorology CAWCR
Sulaiman, Asri
Sumida, Shinya
Summers, J. L.
Summit, Raymond
Summit, Raymond Alfred, WA School of Mines Curtin University
Sumner, Jeremy G., University of Tasmania
Sun, Bo
Sun, Shuhao, Monash University
Sun, Weiwei
Sun, Xifu, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Australia
Sun, Yuefang, Shaoxing University
Sung, Li-yeng
Sunkara, Vikram
Sunter, P. D.
Sunthar, P.
Suslov, Sergey A.
Suslov, S.A.
Suslov, Sergey, Swinburne University of Technology
Suslov, Sergey A., Department of Mathematics, Swinburne University of Technology
Svenson, T.
Swaffer, Brooke, SA Water
Sweatman, C Hassell, Auckland University of Technology
Sweatman, Winston, Massey University
Sweatman, Winston L
Sweatman, Winston L., Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University
Sweatman, Winston L., Centre for Mathematics in Industry, Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University, Auckland
Sweatman, Winston L., Massey University
Sweatman, Winston L.
Sweatman, Winston LeMay, Massey University
Sweatman, Winston LeMay
Sweilam, N. H.
Swift, Randall J
Szabó, Gábor, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, H-1111, Hungary.
Szalai, R.
Szekeres, George


Taberner, Andrew J, University of Auckland
Tablino-Possio, Cristina
Taeri, Bijan

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