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Stewart, Peter S., School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Glasgow
Stewart, Phil
Stinson, Charles P, The University of New South Wales
Stojkov, L.
Stokes, Kate
Stokes, T. E.
Stokes, Timothy
Stokes, Timothy E., University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Stokes, Timothy E., University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
Stokes, Yvonne M
Stokes, Yvonne Marie
Stokes, Yvonne Marie, The University of Adelaide
Stonier, R. J.
Strahan, B.
Strazdins, Peter E.
Street, R.
Street, Robert
Strunin, D. V.
Strunin, Dmitry
Strunin, Dmitry, University of Southern Queensland (Australia)
Strunin, Dmitry, University of Southern Queensland
Strunin, Dmitry V
Strunin, Dmitry V., Southern Queensland University
Su, Jia
Subbiah, Malai, Department of Mathematics Pondicherry University Pondicherry-605014 India
Sudharsan, N. M.
Sugden, Steve
Sukhorukova, N.
Sukhorukova, Nadezda, Swinburne University of Technology
Sukhorukova, Nadezda, Swinburne University of Technology
Sulaiman, Asri
Sulaiman, Asri, Bureau of Meteorology CAWCR
Sumida, Shinya
Summers, J. L.
Summit, Raymond
Summit, Raymond Alfred, WA School of Mines Curtin University
Sumner, Jeremy G., University of Tasmania
Sun, Bo
Sun, Shuhao, Monash University
Sun, Weiwei

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