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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  • This system is no longer accepting submissions.  As of Jan 2022 all articles must be submitted via 
  • The author should keep all files of the submitted article; the Society will not accept responsibility for any loss.
  • Authors are encouraged to prepare their papers in LaTeX; other forms of electronic source will usually also be useful. Good quality electronic source makes the typesetters' work much easier and so the authors of such source can expect their papers to be dealt with more promptly and with fewer errors. The Journal does not ask for source code until an article has been accepted.
  • Each article should include
    1. a title of no more than one hundred characters in length, including spaces, preferably containing no symbols. If the title is long, provide a shortened form of it, no more than forty characters.
    2. an abstract of not more than 150 words, preferably containing no formulae and no references, and certainly containing no complicated formulae;
    3. American Mathematical Society 2000 Mathematics subject classification numbers and a few Key Words and Phrases.
  • Two alternative styles for references and citations are described below. Authors are requested to use one, and only one, style consistently throughout their typescript.

    Style 1.

    A typical reference in the list of references would be:

    [3] L. Grötschen, `Pseudo-quasi-ergodic theorems', J. Austral. Math. Soc. 4 (1960), 2–3.

    A corresponding reference in the text would be: Grötschen [3]; or [3,4,9]; or Grötschen [3, Theorem 1].

    Style 2.

    A typical reference in the list of references would be:

    [GBP] G. B. Preston, `Pseudo-quasi-ergodic theorems', J. Austral. Math. Soc. 40 (1960), 321–342.

    A corresponding reference in the text would be: Preston [GBP]; or ([GBP, KG, GHL]); or Preston [GBP, Proposition 2].

    In each style, the list of references should be in alphabetical order of surnames of first authors.

    • Each article should include names and full addresses (including email) of all authors. The corresponding author should be identified.
    • Authors should provide diagrams drawn to professional standards (at least 600 dpi). Diagrams in the form of postscript files, or similar, may also be acceptable; the quality, however, should be similar to that obtained by a professional artist.
    • Authors are responsible for proof-reading their papers carefully before submission, and should provide a well written document. The Journal does not send poorly written papers to referees; referees are expected to vouch for the correctness of the mathematics but not of the English and the mathematical typing. Our advice to authors may usefully be consulted before submission.

    Preparing electronic files

    The Journal is prepared in LaTeX and therefore any form of TeX source is useful to the typesetters. We would ask you, however, to avoid the use of non-standard macros which may make the work of the typesetters more difficult.

    Style Files

    The style files of the Journal may be obtained from here. We encourage potential contributors who are using LaTeX to use these style files when preparing the final electronic version of their papers. It should enable them to obtain a much clearer idea of the final appearance of their paper in print.

    Line spacing and margins

    In order to achieve the Journal's requirements for line spacing and margins, it is sufficient to add the following lines to (the preamble of) your LaTeX source document:


    where 'paperwidth' is the width of your paper in centimetres.


As of Jan 2022, all new submissions must be via

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.