Automated registration for augmenting micro-CT 3D images


  • Shane Jamie Latham
  • Trond Varslot
  • Adrian Sheppard



Micro-CT imaging allows probing of material 3D structure down to the micrometre scale. However, often there exists structure at the sub-micrometre scale which significantly influences the macro-physical properties of the material. One possible solution for mitigating this micro-CT resolution limitation is to incorporate information from higher resolution Back-scattered Scanning Electron Microscopy (BSEM) imaging techniques. A first step toward incorporating this high resolution data into micro-CT models is to align the BSEM 2D image(s) with the corresponding region(s) of the micro-CT 3D image. This article presents an automated multi-start multi-resolution parallel registration algorithm which has been successfully used to achieve accurate alignment of BSEM and micro-CT image pairs. References
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Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference