On a non-standard two-species stochastic competing system and a related degenerate parabolic equation





Population dynamics, Degenerate parabolic problem, Environment and ecology


We propose and analyse a new stochastic competing two-species population dynamics model. Competing algae population dynamics in river environments, an important engineering problem, motivates this model. The algae dynamics are described by a system of stochastic differential equations with the characteristic that the two populations are competing with each other through the environmental capacities. Unique existence of the uniformly bounded strong solution is proven and an attractor is identified. The Kolmogorov backward equation associated with the population dynamics is formulated and its unique solvability in a Banach space with a weighted norm is discussed. Our mathematical analysis results can be effectively utilized for a foundation of modelling, analysis, and control of the competing algae population dynamics. References
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Proceedings Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference