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Patricio, Pedro
Patterson, S., Queensland University of Technology
Pawelec, L., Warsaw School of Economics
Pawlak, R. J., Łódź University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Banacha 22, 90-238 Łódź, Poland
Pawlak, R. J., Lodz University
Peachey, T. C., University of Queensland
Pearce, J. D., University of Texas at Austin
Pearce, J. D., University of Texas
Pearcy, C., Texas A&M University
Peate, J., Macquarie University
Pedraza-Aguilera, M. C.
Pedraza-Aguilera, M. C.
Peiris, V., Deakin University
Pelayo, R., University of Hawaii Hilo
Pellegrini, M. A., Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Pendharkar, H., University of South Florida
Peng, J.
Peng, S. O.
Penniston, D., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Penniston, D., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (United States)
Pérez-Calabuig, V.
Perez-Ramos, M. D., Universitat de Valencia
Pergher, P. L. Q., Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Peters, J. R., Iowa State University
Petrović, L., Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade

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