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Bayati, S., Amirkabir University of Technology
Baykalov, A. A., University of Auckland
Beanland, K., Washington and Lee University
Beer, G., California State University, Los Angeles
Begum, F., University of Canterbury
Beidleman, J. C.
Beidleman, J. C., University of Kentucky (United States)
Beidleman, James Clark, University of Kentucky
Beike, N., Youngstown State University
Bekolle, D., University of Ngaoundere, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, PO Box 454, Ngaoundere
Belghaba, K., Universite d'Oran a Es Senia
Bell, J. P., University of Waterloo
Beltrán, A., Universidad Jaume I de Castellón
Beltrán, Antonio
Ben Nasr, M.
Benali, H., Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
Benfenati, A., Universita' degli studi di Milano
Benmoussa, M. T.
Bennett, M. A., University of British Columbia
Berdinsky, D., Mahidol University
Bermudez, Y., Professor
Bertin, M. J., Université P. et M. Curie (Paris 6)
Bertram, Edward A., University of Hawaii at Manoa
Betermin, L., University of Vienna
Bettadapura, K., Australian National University

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