The Euler-Maclaurin formula revisited


  • David Elliott



The Euler-Maclaurin summation formula for the approximate evaluation of I = \int01f(x) dx comprises a sum of the form (1/m)\sumj=0m-1f((j+t?)/m), where 0?t? ? 1, a second sum whose terms involve the difference between the derivatives of f at the end-points 0 and 1 and a truncation error term expressed as an integral. By introducing an appropriate change of variable of integration using a sigmoidal transformation of order r?1, (other authors call it a periodizing transformation) it is possible to express I as a sum of m terms involving the new integrand with the second sum being zero. We show that for all functions in a certain weighted Sobolev space, the truncation error is of order O(1/mn1) , for some integer n1 which depends on r. In principle we may choose n1 to be arbitrarily large thereby giving a good rate of convergence to zero of the truncation error. This analysis is then extended to Cauchy principal value and certain Hadamard finite-part integrals over (0,1). In each case, the truncation error is O(1/mn1). This result should prove particularly useful in the context of the approximate solution of integral equations although such discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.





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